Reinventing Geospatial®, Inc. (RGi®)

RGi was founded in 2009 and has been involved in free and open-source geospatial development primarily through our research and development efforts. We have been involved with OGC GeoPackage implementation since the standard was an early draft specification. We have Java libraries published to GitLab for GeoPackage creation and manipulation as well as a verification library to ensure a GeoPackage you have meets the specification. We have been heavily involved with MapProxy development for caching and sharing geospatial content quickly via WMS. Lastly, we help maintain the Extensible Mapping Platform, a cross-platform interface for geospatial capability operating in Java and Javascript.

• Geospatial systems engineering
• Geospatial concepts such as caching, OGC services, visualization, and data manipulation
• Free and open source geospatial libraries and capabilities
• Software development and integration

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