Kontur Inc.

Innovating Disaster Management Solutions for Faster and Smarter Decision-Making
For almost 20 years, we have provided geo-information expertise to humanitarian organizations, governments, and businesses.

For nearly two decades, we have gathered knowledge and expertise in disaster management, transitioning from executing software engineering projects to consolidating solutions into Kontur Technology Stack and entering the B2B market. As we embrace a licensing and subscription model, Kontur’s vision extends to the SaaS model. Our solutions are not only applicable to disaster management but also insurance, humanitarian, governmental and business sectors.

As a company specializing in natural disasters and emergency mapping, we are deeply committed to open-source.

Kontur Solutions:

  1. Disaster Management
    1. Disaster Ninja – an open-source web GIS, that provides recent natural disasters, visualizes mapping gaps, and helps you connect with locals for ground truth verification.
    2. Event Feed – an API service aggregate-transform-provided disaster-related data.
    3. Disaster Loss Estimation – created to calculate disaster losses.
  2. Geocint – an open-source geospatial big data ETL pipeline.
  3. Smart City Platform – handle a large flow of IoT sensor data and visualize it.
  4. Climate Change Indicators Estimation –  create a full picture of climate change impacts at the local, regional, and global scales by combining and analyze data.

We are open to communication and cooperation! Just don’t hestigate to write us on hello@kontur.io.


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