What you Need to Know
Matt Asay’s piece today about the skills shortage in cloud got me to thinking about what constitutes the required knowledge to work on various projects, and how much implicit knowledge is bound up wit…
Dumping a ByteA with psql
Sometimes you just have to work with binary in your PostgreSQL database, and when you do the bytea type is what you’ll be using. There’s all kinds of reason to work with bytea: You’re literally st…
Mapbox and Morrison
Yesterday, Mapbox announced that they were moving their Mapbox GL JS library from a standard BSD license to a new very much non-open source license. Joe Morrison said the news “shook” him (and also t…
In awe of what vscode can do
I was originally hoping to drop the long awaited 2nd Preview of MapGuide Open Source 4.0 this week, but sadly some show-stopping bugs have crept up on the Linux side that means that sadly I have to pu…
QGIS Annual General Meeting – 2020
Dear QGIS Community We recently held our 2020 QGIS Annual General Meeting. The minutes of this meeting are available for all to view. I would like to welcome our new QGIS Board Chair: Marco Bernasocch…
Developers Diary 1
I’m not a particularly good developer. I don’t plan well, I tend to hack first and try and find the structure afterwards. I am easily distracted. It takes me an exceedingly long time to marshal a pro…
Charla: introducción a Github Pages
Hace tiempo que tenía ganas de tratar este tema, llevo usando Jekyll desde hace ya muchos años, y desde que Github incluyó en su portfolio la publicación de sitios web no he vuelto a pensar en usar un…
Cheers to 2019
Overview of my professional life in 2019. Inspired by the concise bullet-point-style of Tom Kralidis’ Cheers to 2018, on which I based my previous Cheers to 2018. Highlights of living and working in …
Cheers to 2019
Overview of my professional life in 2019. Inspired by the concise bullet-point-style of Tom Kralidis’ Cheers to 2018, on which I based my previous Cheers to 2018. Highlights of living and working in …
Open Source Stack for Raster Tiling in Custom Projections
This post is a high level look at the recent stack I built for a raster tiling set up. I am working out some kinks in my online and network delivery of cartographic products, so I thought it was time …