JTS Topological Relationships - the Next Generation
The most fundamental and widely-used operations in the JTS Topology Suite are the ones that evaluate topological relationships between geometries. JTS implements the Dimensionally-Extended 9 Intersec…
OSGeo Sponsorship Opportunities 2024
Organizations providing financial support to OSGeo events, initiatives, local chapters, or projects are recognized as OSGeo sponsors. Thank you for considering Open Source Geospatial Foundation 2024 s…
SMASH 1.8 is out!
Dear all, it has been a while, but some stuff has been going on in the SMASH community. And we now have a new release. So let's have a look at what is new.We farewell the play storeIt is a while …
Data Science is Getting Ducky
For a long time, a big constituency of users of PostGIS has been people with large data analytics problems that crush their desktop GIS systems. Or people who similarly find that their geospatial prob…
Is GeoJSON a spatial data format?
Is GeoJSON a good spatial data format? A few days ago on Mastodon Eli Pousson asked: Can anyone suggest examples of files that can contain location info but aren’t often considered spatial data …
QGIS Contributor meeting at BIDS ‘23 Vienna
We are happy to announce that OSGeo kindly extended an invitation to have a QGIS contributor meeting joining the OSGeo Community Sprint 2023 during the Big Data from Space 2023 conference in Vienna. …
How Oslandia invests in OpenSource
You may be wondering where Oslandia’s name is coming from ? Or maybe you already know ? In this article we focus on the “OS” part of Oslandia : OpenSource ! Oslandia positions itself as IT expert in t…
Simplifying Polygonal Coverages with JTS
A new capability for the JTS Topology Suite is operations to process Simple Polygonal Coverages. A Simple Polygon Coverage is a set of edge-matched, non-overlapping polygonal geometries (which may be…
When Proj Grid-Shifts Disappear
Last week a user noted on the postgis-users list (paraphrase): I upgraded from PostGIS 2.5 to 3.3 and now the results of my coordinate transforms are wrong. There is a vertical shift between the s…
What you Need to Know
Matt Asay’s piece today about the skills shortage in cloud got me to thinking about what constitutes the required knowledge to work on various projects, and how much implicit knowledge is bound up wit…