PostGIS 3.0.0beta1
The PostGIS development team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.0.0beta1. This release works with PostgreSQL 9.5-12RC1 and GEOS >= 3.6 Best served with PostgreSQL 12RC1 and GEOS 3.8.0beta1 both of…
PostGIS Talks @ FOSS4G North America
I presented my “PostGIS for Managers” talk for the last time (at least in this form) today at FOSS4G North America. The reason it’s for the last time is that the central conceipt it’s built around, th…
Verslag: NLExtract Hacking Day
Afgelopen donderdag (26 april) was de eerste NLExtract Hacking Day, ruim zes jaar nadat de huidige Github repo is aangemaakt en bijna zeven jaar nadat BAGExtract+ door Matthijs van der Deijl online is…
Swiss PGDay 2016
Dear OSGeo Community The Swiss PGDay 2016 is a conference on PostgreSQL and PostGIS. It takes place at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (Switzerland) on Fri. June 24, 2016. The con…
MapScaping Podcast: Pg_EventServ
Last month I got to record a couple podcast episodes with the MapScaping Podcast’s Daniel O’Donohue. One of them was on the benefits and many pitfalls of putting rasters into a relational database, an…
That Was 2020
Overview of my professional life in 2020. Highlights of living and working in the Open Source Geospatial and OSGeo(.nl|.org)-world in 2020. Organized by “Theme”. Yes, 2020 was a “special year” in pand…
Cheers to 2018
Never too late to look back. Inspired by the concise bullet-point-style of Tom Kralidis’ Cheers to 2018, my personal highlights of living and working in the Open Source Geospatial and OSGeo(.nl|org)-…
The bus factor problem
One of the biggest problems open source projects face today is the bus factor problem. I've been thinking a lot about this lately as how it applies to my PostGIS, pgRouting, and OSGeo System Admi…
Add a Project
OSGeo would like to help you share your FOSS4G project with the world: Create an OSGeo UserID. If this takes more than 24 hours to get the mantra, ask for help via sysadmin@osgeo.org or ask …
JTS Topological Relationships - the Next Generation
The most fundamental and widely-used operations in the JTS Topology Suite are the ones that evaluate topological relationships between geometries. JTS implements the Dimensionally-Extended 9 Intersec…