PostGIS Day 2019 Zürich
Am Donnerstag 14. November findet der PostGIS Day in Zürich statt! Neben topaktuellen News zu den Releases von PostGIS 3, QGIS 3.10 LTR und OpenLayers 6 gibt es Einblicke in die Responsive City Strate…
Happy PostGIS Day 2017
To commemorate PostGIS Day 2017, I put together a 3D scene listing my favorite functions. You can see it PostGIS Day in 3D…
GeoForAll: Happy PostGIS Day :-)
On behalf of GeoForAll community, I am pleased to share the latest edition of our newsletter. Thanks to Dr Nikos Lambrinos (Chief Editor) and our amazing team of editors for making this possible. Dow…
The Early History of Spatial Databases and PostGIS
For PostGIS Day this year I researched a little into one of my favourite topics, the history of relational databases. I feel like in general we do not pay a lot of attention to history in software dev…
Começou a Black Friday Geocursos!
A maior promoção de 2024 começa hoje, dia 08 e vai até o dia 10 de novembro. Essa é a sua chance de adquirir nossos cursos com descontos imperdíveis nessa Black Friday. Cursos que estão com desconto:…
Black Friday Geocursos, não perca!
A BLACK FRIDAY DA GEOCURSOS VEM AÍ! Quer estudar e crescer na carreira ainda em 2024? Então se liga que teremos cursos com descontos imperdíveis na Black Friday! CURSOS COM ATÉ 60%OFF entre os dias 0…
Post GIS Day 2022 Celebrations
I didn't think last two years Post GIS Day conferences could be topped, but I was wrong. This year's was absolutely fabulous and better than all the others. We had two key conferences going…
Who are the Biggest PostGIS Users?
The question of “who uses PostGIS” or “how big is PostGIS” or “how real is PostGIS” is one that we have been wrestling with literally since the first public release back in 2001. There is no doubt …
Inscribed and bounding circles in PostGIS
Today, I’m revisiting work from 2017. In Brezina, Graser & Leth (2017), we looked at different ways to determine the width of sidewalks in Vienna based on the city’s street surface database. I…
PostGIS at 20, The Beginning
Twenty years ago today, the first email on the postgis users mailing list (at that time hosted on yahoogroups.com) was sent, announcing the first numbered release of PostGIS. The early history of P…