State of JTS 2017

The JTS Topology Suite is the much-loved foundation stone of our industry, hear about new development in JTS 1.14, and key changes in project structure, organization and support for JTS 1.15.

JTS is a geometry library providing a Java implementation of the OGC Simple Features Specification. The code has been translated into a half-dozen languages including C++ (GEOS), .NET (NTS), and Javascript (JSTS).

While the point, line and polygon data structures may appear straightforward, the real value of the library is the algorithms that drive the open source GIS industry you see around you at FOSS4G. The algorithms in JTS have been battle hardened with 17 years of real world use offering a balance between performance, computational stability that spells trust.

This talk covers new developments in the JTS library, focusing on performance improvements and new features. We will also cover migration tips for those upgrading.

The most important new feature is our project’s graduation from LocationTech incubation. This work has been assisted by growth in the project leadership, and the staff at the Eclipse Foundation. As a result of these efforts the project now hosted on GitHub, has nightly build infrastructure, has a Maven build, and is now available from the Maven central repository.

We also look at what is next for JTS with plans for the future and a few wild ideas that inspire us to continue.

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