
The wradlib project has been initiated in order to facilitate the use of weather radar data. It provides a common platform for research on new algorithms.



Wradlib is designed to assist users in the most important steps of processing weather radar data. These include: reading different data formats, georeferencing data, identifying and correcting typical error sources (such as clutter or attenuation), converting reflectivity to rainfall intensity and visualizing the data.

Core features

  • data formats

    • NetCDF - CfRadial (r/w)
    • HDF5 - ODIM_H5 (r/w)
    • Sigmet IRIS (r)
    • Selex ES Rainbow (r)
    • raster and vector data using GDAL (r/w)
  • data visualisation

    • plan position indicator (PPI)
    • range height indicator (RHI)
    • maximum intensity plot (MAX)
    • constant altitude plan position indicator (CAPPI)
    • scan strategy
  • data correction

    • ground clutter
    • attenuation
    • beam blockage
  • georeferencing

    • bin height/distance
    • spherical to cartesian coordinates
    • reproject spatial reference systems
  • rainfall estimation

    • Z-R-relation
    • hydrometeor classification
  • special features

    • volume matching satellite radars
    • zonal statistics
    • radar compositing