
Use it!
Try a rasdaman service: The datacube standards demonstration portal, powered by rasdaman, showcases the Big Earth Data standards OGC WCS and WCPS, in a variety of 1-D to 5-D geo use cases.
Deploy your rasdaman service: Download a readily configured VM, install packages, or install from source.
Pioneering datacubes. The rasdaman team early on has invented services for actionable datacubes. In fact, rasdaman has pioneered Array Databases, being the first fully implemented, operationally used system with an array query language and optimized processing engine. Today, rasdaman is a lively, mature, and professionally managed open-source project led by Jacobs University, with substantial contribution also by the rasdaman GmbH spinoff.
Makers of the Big Datacube Standards. The ISO SQL/MDA (Multi-Dimensional Arrays) standard, initiated and crafted by the rasdaman team, integrates n-D arrays seamlessly into table world based on rasdaman the array query language. This standard is domain-independent and can serve all of Earth, Space, Life sciences, and beyond. Further, rasdaman is OGC datacube reference implementation and the blueprint for OGC WCPS, the OGC geo datacube analytics standard. In fact, the whole OGC/ISO coverage data and service standards suite has been critically shaped (and continues to be maintained) by the rasdaman team.
Worldwide Recognition and Success. A continuous series of awards recognizes rasdaman’s lead, such as most recently the 2019 TechConnect Global Innovation Award. Further, rasdaman is listed in the GEOSS Component and Service Registry. Finally, since many years rasdaman is included in the OSGeo Live DVD of particularly recommended open-source geo tools.