
Python library for movement trajectory data exploration and analysis.



MovingPandas is a Python library for movement data exploration and analysis.

MovingPandas provides trajectory data structures and functions for handling movement data based on Pandas, GeoPandas, and HoloViz.

MovingPandas is designed to support a wide range of trajectory data analytics, with flexible support for different coordinate reference systems, spatial scales, reporting intervals, and application domains.

Trajectory plots

Core features

  • Movement data analysis

    • Trajectory cleaning
    • Trajectory smoothing
    • Trajectory generalization
    • Trajectory splitting
    • Stop detection
    • ...
  • Movement data visualization

    • Static plots (Matplotlib)
    • Interactive plots (Folium & Geoviews)
    • Basemaps & custom background images
  • Easy installation

    • Via pip or conda

Implemented Standards

  • OGC Moving Features (Moving Features)