MapGuide Open Source

MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to develop and deploy web mapping applications and geospatial web services.

community project

MapGuide Open Source

community project

Core features

  • Interactive Map Viewing

    • Offers a basic "AJAX" viewer
    • Or an advanced "Fusion" flexible viewer with more out-of-the-box functionality and customizable viewer templates
    • Or, you can roll your own viewer easily with OpenLayers
    • Allows feature selection by point, rectangle, radius, or polygon with immediate feedback
    • Displays feature properties in multi-line tool tips
    • Displays properties of the selected feature in a property browser panel
    • Supports built-in tools for spatial analysis, such as buffering, measuring and querying features within selected polygons
    • Provides printing and plotting support
  • Quality Cartographic Output

    • Scale-dependent detail
    • Rule-driven thematic layer stylization
    • Dynamic labeling with overpost detection, labels that follow the path of a line, and automatic label resizing
    • Anti-aliased image rendering
    • True color support
    • TrueType font support
  • Built-in Resource Database for Manageability

    • Provides hierarchical storage of XML resource documents that define maps, layers, data connections, symbology, and viewer layout
    • Allows you to define data sources and layers once and then reference them from multiple maps for maximum reusability
    • Provides an access-based security model with inheritable permissions
    • Permits metadata and binary data to be associated with resource documents
  • Uniform Data Access

    • Exclusive use of the Feature Data Objects (FDO) API for vector and raster feature data access
    • Support for ESRI SHP, SDF and SQLite vector file formats
    • Support for Oracle, SQL Server Spatial, MySQL, PostGIS and ODBC database formats
    • Support for additional Raster file formats via FDO Provider for GDAL
    • Support for additional vector file formats via FDO Provider for OGR
    • Support for OGC WMS and WFS
  • Extensive Server-Side APIs

    • Create, query, read, and write permanent and session based XML resource documents
    • Query and update feature data across all supported data sources, including spatial and attribute data, and schema discovery
    • Perform coordinate reprojection and great circle distance computation
    • Create, manipulate, and analyze geometry with support for common spatial predicates (touches, intersects, etc) and geometric operations (buffer, union, difference, etc)
    • Produce stylized vector and raster maps and legends
    • Manipulate the state of the currently viewed map and legend
  • Broad Coordinate System support

    • Uses the powerful CS-Map coordinate system transformation library with support for several thousand coordinate systems
    • Raster and vector data of different coordinate systems are automatically re-projected on the fly to match your map
  • Your platform, your choice

    • Deploy on Windows or Linux
    • Serve your MapGuide applications from Apache httpd or Microsoft IIS
    • Extend your MapGuide applications with the MapGuide API available in .net, Java or PHP

Implemented Standards

  • Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Web Map Service (WMS)
Fusion viewer with Slate template