
A loader for geographic data in GML and KML (that needs some preparation before loading via ogr2ogr).

community project


community projecttile_template

Loader is a tool for preparing geographic data in GML and KML prior to processing with ogr2ogr. Loader provides configuration options for a number of GML datasets such as Ordnance Survey OS MasterMap (Topographic Layer, ITN, OS Highways etc.), Police.UK boundaries etc.

Users configure Loader to use a given GDAL/ OGR .gfs file (which maps the GML elements and attributes to tables/ columns) and an optional preparation routine which pre-processes the data before load (for instance adding classification columns for styling Ordnance Survey OSMM Topographic Layer).

See the project wiki for installation and configuration docs.

Implemented Standards

  • Geography Markup Language (GML)
  • Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

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