GET-IT – Geoinformation Enabling ToolkIT starterkit®
GET-IT is the first application designed to allow no-IT skilled users to manage and publish different type of geospatial data and metadata. Based on GeoNode, it improves its easy-to-use interface to enable the user to share both in-situ observations and traditional spatial data (raster and vector).
GET-IT enables users to different data operations such as uploading, storing, styling, publishing, viewing and downloading data. A metadata editor tool (EDI), integrated in the suite, facilitate the user to associate uploaded data to standard as it offers different national and international standard templates (RNDT, INSPIRE, SensorML, and EMF). Metadata resulted also semantically enriched for discovery operations and are simply compiled by avoiding user to create XML metadata.
GET-IT has the ability to restrict the access on spatial data, observations and documents to other users, group of users as well as public.
Generally permissions can be set on all the uploaded data like those on management, view and download of data and metadata.
As open-source software, it is released under open-source license (GPL v.3.0) by allowing software developers to customize and meet the organization or project requirements.