
GeoHealthCheck is used to monitor overall health of OGC services like WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS, SOS, STA, CSW and more like OSGeo TMS and GeoNode, but also standard web(-API) URLs.
Core features
Core features
- lightweight (Python with Flask)
- extensible healthchecks via Plugins
- per-resource scheduling and notifications
- configurable notification web-hooks
Ease of use
- easy setup
- flexible and customizable: look and feel, scoring matrix
- database agnostic: any SQLAlchemy supported backend
- database upgrades: using Alembic with Flask-Migrate
Implemented Standards
- Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)
- Geography Markup Language (GML)
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
- Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
- (STA)
- Web Map Tile Service (TMS)
- Web Coverage Service (WCS)
- Web Feature Service (WFS)
- Web Map Service (WMS)
- Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
- Web Processing Service (WPS)