EOEPCA+’s vision is to streamline the access to and processing of earth observation (EO) data located on multiple platforms and within disparate networks. The goal is to enhance interoperability by defining the technical interfaces between these cloud resources in line with OGC standards and best practices.

community project


community projectosgeo_eoepca_logo

There are many web-based platforms offering access to a wealth of satellite earth observation (EO) data. Increasingly, these are collocated with cloud computing resources and applications for exploiting the data. Users are beginning to appreciate the advantages of processing close to the data, some maintaining accounts on multiple platforms. Our vision is for greater interoperability between such EO platforms, towards an open network of resources, facilitating easier access and more efficient exploitation of the rapidly growing body of EO and other data.

To this end we are helping to establish a consensus of best practice for EO Exploitation Platforms, based on open standards. Supporting that, we are developing a reference implementation of building blocks, as open source software. This project, sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA), began in 2018 and aims to demonstrate the architecture and software implementation in operational platforms.

Core features

  • Key Capabilities

    • Data Discovery and Access
    • User-defined Processing
    • Federated Identity
    • Machine Learning
  • Streamlined Deployment

    • Quick start guide
    • Premade scripts to deploy individual elements

Implemented Standards

  • Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • (ISO19115)
  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
  • (OGC API - Coverages)
  • (OGC API - Features)
  • (OGC API - Maps)
  • (OGC API - Processing)
  • (OGC API - Records)
  • (OGC API - Tiles)
  • (OpenSearch)
  • Web Coverage Service (WCS)
  • Web Feature Service (WFS)
  • Web Map Service (WMS)
  • Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
  • Web Processing Service (WPS)