LocationTech organizations collaborate on innovative spatial aware technology, as well as work together on developing the market for these technologies. LocationTech is organized around a charter with:
- a Steering Committee, an Architecture Committee and a Marketing Committee.
- Project Management Committees within each technology area.
- committers electing fellow committers and a project lead for each project.
- participation based on various membership levels according type of organization.
The Eclipse Foundation is a vendor neutral community for individuals and organizations who wish to collaborate on commercially-friendly open source software. This not-for-profit, member supported organization provides infrastructure, governance, IP-services and co-marketing to its projects and members.
OSGeo Relationship
OSGeo has been a long standing guest member of LocationTech (since its formation in 2012.) Our current OSGeo representative is Michael Smith. The two organizations have a history of collaborating on events, outreach, code sprints and projects.
OGC Open Source Projects
Joint Events