
LocationTech is a working group hosted at the Eclipse Foundation that develops and promotes advanced location aware technologies

LocationTech organizations collaborate on innovative spatial aware technology, as well as work together on developing the market for these technologies. LocationTech is organized around a charter with:

  • a Steering Committee, an Architecture Committee and a Marketing Committee.
  • Project Management Committees within each technology area.
  • committers electing fellow committers and a project lead for each project.
  • participation based on various membership levels according type of organization.

The Eclipse Foundation is a vendor neutral community for individuals and organizations who wish to collaborate on commercially-friendly open source software. This not-for-profit, member supported organization provides infrastructure, governance, IP-services and co-marketing to its projects and members.

OSGeo Relationship

OSGeo has been a long standing guest member of LocationTech (since its formation in 2012.) Our current OSGeo representative is Michael Smith. The two organizations have a history of collaborating on events, outreach, code sprints and projects.

OGC Open Source Projects

Joint Events

OSGeo Sponsors

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