My Mission
To identify and implement open source alternatives in Emergency Management and to help facilitate best practice use of OS Geo technologies in the sectorBiography
I am an emergency management practitioner and technology generalist with 9+ years’ experience in a variety of industries including health, emergency services, public transport, professional services & corporate technology.
In the emergency management space I have written policy, procedures & guidelines, consulted on Emergency Management practices, contributed to disaster risk reduction research, designed and evaluated exercises, conducted analysis on legislative reform, conducted after action reviews, provided paralegal support to GIPA process & statements of evidence, built networks throughout the EM community in private enterprise, government and non-government organisations, delivered EM training and have brought my wealth of technical knowledge to improve EM focused operations.
I have a comprehensive technology generalist background with proven experience in project management, team management, data analytics, business automation, process improvement, Geospatial Information Systems, solution architecture, Unified communications, collaborative technology, and Infrastructure
Further to these experiences I am have a strong track record in event medical, mass gathering medicine, and pre-hospital care – providing clinical and management expertise to Event Health Services within St John Ambulance Australia.