Lab for Spatial Informatics, IIIT Hyderabad

LSI, a unique center in India that promotes Open Source GeoSpatial Research and System building efforts at multiple levels since 2006. Also, an active proponent for use of Open Source and Open Technology in Educational initiatives and eGovernance Projects.
Has been supporting and mentoring faculty, students and researchers to not just use FOSS4G but also to actively contribute, use as teaching tools, share and spread the good word.
Also the home for OSGeo-India Chapter.

The lab and its members have been an active proponents of Open Source Geospatial technologies in Education, Research and Projects that they are involved in. It has evolved into a platform for people to meet, discuss, develop and share appropriate approaches in adopting Open Source and its Principles in their respective works.
LSI has helped develop and apply open source technologies in high resolution satellite image processing, data fusion on smart devices, spatio-temporal big data, city planning and land use models and water resource management.
Recently the Lab released LSIViewer 2.0, an online spatial data viewer, whose source code is also released on GitHub.

Some examples in the Education and Outreach space are – (a)Training programs for College Faculty; Mid-levlel professional in the Industry and Government bodies; (b) Tutorials and awareness workshops for students and researchers across the country; (c) Winter School on understanding, tweaking and contributing to FOSS4G

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