The Docker images are available with different Python versions (3.8 by default, 3.10 for 9.1.1_ubuntu22, 3.12 for 9.1.1_ubuntu24) :
docker pull orfeotoolbox/otb:9.1.1
It is also possible to check out the tag with git:
git clone OTB -b 9.1.1
The documentation for OTB 9.1.1 can be found here. There are no documentation changes between 9.1.0 and 9.1.1.
You can download the packages one by one for a modular installation here and follow the instructions in the cookbook.
This patch release introduces bug fixes:
- Files used by QGIS are now correctly generated on Windows. Users can now access all modules through QGIS
- Init scripts have some bugs on RHEL-based OS, this is now corrected
- OTB was shipped with FFTW previously. It is a problem as FFTW is under GPLv2 (we didn’t know). OTB is now shipped without FFTW.
The full changelog can be accessed here.
We welcome your feedback and requests on OTB’s GitLab. If you find a bug, please report it!