OSGeo is pleased to announce that the gvSIG project has graduated from incubation and is now a full fledged OSGeo project. Manuel Madrid, a long time member of the gvSIG Project Steering Committee (PSC), has been appointed as project officer.
gvSIG is an Open Source desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems. gvSIG is known for having a user-friendly interface, being able to access the most common formats, both vector and raster ones. It features a wide range of tools for working with geographic-like information (query tools, layout creation, geoprocessing, networks, etc.), which turns gvSIG into the ideal tool for users working in the land realm.
Graduating incubation includes fulfilling requirements for open community operation, a responsible project governance model, code provenance, and general good project operation. Graduation is the OSGeo seal of approval for a project and gives potential users and the community at large an added confidence in the viability and safety of the project.
The project steering committee says, The gvSIG team is thrilled to be recognized as a full OSGeo project. There have been strong ties between the two communities with common objectives to spread open source for geomatics, and develop a business model based on collaboration and shared knowledge. We are very happy to be included as part of OSGeo and a member of such an esteemed group of projects.
OSGeo would also like to thank Dimitris Kotzinos, Jeroen Ticheler and Jorge Sanz for their assistance during this Incubation process.
Congratulations to the gvSIG community!