GeoAmbassador – Kurt Menke

The GeoForAll community is pleased to honour Kurt Menke as our GeoAmbassador. A former archaeologist, Kurt Menke is a Certified GIS Professional (GISP) based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He received a Master’s degree in Geography from the University of New Mexico in 2000. That same year he founded Bird’s Eye View to apply his expertise with GIS technology towards ecological conservation. Along with conservation, his other focus areas are public health and education. He splits his time between GIS consulting and education.
Kurt is an avid open source GIS proponent, recently co-authoring Mastering QGIS for Packt Publishing and authoring Discover QGIS through Locate Press. In 2015 he became an OSGeo Charter Member. He is an experienced FOSS4G educator and is a co-author of the GeoAcademy. He teaches on a regular basis. He is also experienced in developing college GIS curricula. Bird’s Eye View is a GeoForAll lab. In 2015 he was part of the GeoAcademy team awarded the GeoForAll Educator of the Year award. Currently, he develops curriculum and teaches for Central New Mexico Community College, University of New Mexico Continuing Education and Del Mar College. His offerings range from a semester long Introduction to FOSS4G course he originally developed in 2009, to short courses and professional workshops. He is the first US educator to be an authorized QGIS training center.For those interested in community health  mapping and information on Low Cost Mapping Tools for Community-based Organizations , you might be interested in the  resources at
We are proud to honour Kurt Menke as our GeoAmbassador and we are extremely grateful for his contributions to GeoForAll and for his excellent contributions for expanding geoeducation opportunities for all.

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