There were four open seats for the 2024 board in this cycle of the Board of Directors election. The Chief Returning Officers reported that 310 out of 568 Charter members cast their votes for the Board of Directors (54% participation). More information on the election results is available on the dedicated OSGeo wiki page.
We are happy to announce that the following people were elected to the Board of Directors (in alphabetical order):
Angelos Tzotsos, Michael Smith, and Tom Kralidis were reelected. The President and Executive Positions will be announced in early 2025. Read more about the OSGeo Board of Directors here.
Lastly, the OSGeo Board of Directors and Charter members would like to express their gratitude to Ariel Anthieni for his service in the 2022-2024 cycle and the Chief Returning Officers, Iván Sánchez, Vicky Vergara, and Luís de Sousa, for their hard work during the last election cycle.
About OSGeo
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is not-for-profit organization to “empower everyone with open source geospatial‘. The software foundation directly supports projects serving as an outreach and advocacy organization providing financial, organizational and legal support for the open source geospatial community.
OSGeo works with Re:Earth, QFieldCloud, GeoCat, T-Kartor, and other sponsors, along with our partners to foster an open approach to software, standards, data, and education.