Download the source distribution here:
In addition to the new version of PROJ we are also releasing new version of the datum grid package covering Europe which includes new grids for Belgium and France. Download the package here:
6.1.0 Release Notes
- Include custom ellipsoid definitions from QGIS (#1337)
- Add “-k ellipsoid” option to projinfo (#1338)
- Make cs2cs support 4D coordinates (#1355)
- WKT2 parser: update to OGC 18-010r6 (#1360 #1366)
- Update internal version of googletest to v1.8.1 (#1361)
- Database update: EPSG v9.6.2 (#1462), IGNF v3.0.3, ESRI 10.7.0 and add operation_version column (#1368)
- Add proj_normalize_for_visualization() that attempts to apply axis ordering as used by most GIS applications and PROJ <6 (#1387)
- Added noop operation (#1391)
- Paths set by user take priority over PROJ_LIB for search paths (#1398)
- Reduced database size (#1438)
- add support for compoundCRS and concatenatedOperation named from their components (#1441)
Bug fixes
- Have gie return non-zero code when file can’t be opened (#1312)
- CMake cross-compilation fix (#1316)
- Use 1st eccentricity instead of 2nd eccentricity in Molodensky (#1324)
- Make sure to include grids when doing Geocentric to CompoundCRS with nadgrids+geoidgrids transformations (#1326)
- Handle coordinates outside of bbox better (#1333)
- Enable system error messages in command line automatically in builds (#1336)
- Make sure to install projinfo man page with CMake (#1347)
- Add data dir to pkg-config file proj.pc (#1348)
- Fix GCC 9 warning about useless std::move() (#1352)
- Grid related fixes (#1369)
- Make sure that ISO19111 C++ code sets pj_errno on errors (#1405)
- vgridshift: handle longitude wrap-around for grids with 360deg longitude extent (#1429)
- proj/cs2cs: validate value of -f parameter to avoid potential crashes (#1434)
- Many division by zero and similar bug fixes found by OSS Fuzz.
Kristian Evers